VIVACE - Action plan promoting industrial property competitiveness of entrepreneurs
Dr. Penyigei Krisztina
A project for enhancing the intellectual property protection activity of small and medium enterprises in Hungary was elaborated by the Hungarian Patent Office in 2004 under the auspices of the Ministry of Economy. The main elements of the project are the development of educational activity, the expansion of information services, and launching of new economic incentives for promoting the adoption of the means of intellectual property protection by SMEs. The objectives and the above features of the project are discussed in detail.
Supplementary protection certificate (SPC) for medicinal products and plant protection products in Hungary
Csutorás Lászlóné
The supplementary protection certificate is an extension of the basic patent's duration for medicinal and plant protection products within the framework of a sui generis protection form. The certificate confers the same rights on products with a valid authorization to be placed on the market as conferred by the basic patent and is subject to the same limitations and obligations. In the EU Council Regulation (EEC) No 1768/92 and Regulation (EC) No 1610/96 introduced supplementary protection for such products. In Hungary, since having become an EU member state, Government Regulation No 26/2004 (II.26.) provides the rules for the application of the above mentioned EU regulations.
Distortion of the integrity of the opus from an architectural point of view
Dr. Bodó Gergely
Moral rights in architecture. Integrity of the opus above all or the prevailing power of high design fees? This article deals with one of the core issues of copyright literature and moral rights: integrity. While exploring the limits of the architect in a commercialized environment, the article drives through the relevant points of the current Hungarian legislation and literature, brings sufficient examples to present the integrity problem and also sheds light on some foreign cases. The main question is how law reacts to and regulates the clash of two spheres of interest, the architect and the owner of the building. To justify statements this writing also contains a case study to provide the reader with evidence from real life, a shopping centre.
Effects of the European patent and the European patent application
Dr. Palágyi Tivadar
This article gives an overview and comments on Chapter III of Part II of the European Patent Convention. Accordingly, based on Articles 63 to 68, it treats the term of and rights conferred by a European patent, the translation of the specification of the European patent, the equivalence of European filing with national filing, the rights conferred by a European patent application after publication, and the effect of revocation of the European patent. Furthermore, based on article 69 and the Protocol on Interpretation attached thereto, it discusses in detail the extent of protection. Finally, it treats the authentic text of a European patent application or patent.
The influence of ECJ's judgements to the Benelux trademark law
Dr. Vida Sándor
The unified Benelux Trademark Act entered in force in 1971 and was amended in 1983, 1992 and 2001. Aim of the last amendment was just to harmonise better the unified Act with the EU Directive, namely as it is interpreted by the ECJ. The present legal situation and practice are explained in the fourth edition of Braun: Précis des marques, published in co-operation with Cornu, Brussels, 2004. The voluminous commentary reports on the most important judgements of the ECJ and on their influence to the practice of Benelux courts. Two judgements of the Court of Appeal of Brussels are reported in details: the WECOVER and the IDEAL STANDARD decisions, which illustrate the influence of ECJ case law to the Benelux practice.
Episodes from the history of watch mechanisms and the measurement of longitude
Szilágyi József
The history of clock mechanisms is quasi characteristic of the development of the technology, especially in the course of the16th-18th centuries. The most accurate versions of clocks are called chronometer and they played a great role in another field: the chronometer helped us with solving the geographical "longitude problem". John Harrison's clock mechanisms were particularly substantial in this respect and Harrison's "Grasshopper escapement" meant a significant step in the history of horology.
Tájékoztató szerzőinknek
Az Iparjogvédelmi és Szerzői Jogi Szemle szerkesztősége örömmel fogad minden, a szellemi tulajdon védelmével foglalkozó írást. A beérkezett kéziratok a szerkesztőbizottság jóváhagyása esetén nyelvhelyességi és a kiadvány stílusához igazodó stilisztikai javítások után kerülnek publikálásra, amelyek nem érintik a mű tartalmi értékét. A kéziratot - a szerkesztőbizottság döntése alapján, az írás témája és mélysége szerint - a Tanulmányok, az Európai jogi figyelő, a Technikatörténet vagy a Hírek, események rovatban tesszük közzé. Az írás terjedelmét nem korlátozzuk, igen hosszú cikket esetlegesen két vagy több részben, egymást követő lapszámokban teszünk közzé a szerzővel történő egyeztetés után.
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