Copyright and Related Rights


Responsibilities and competences of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office in relation to copyright:

a.) Administrative proceedings

  • supervising and keeping a register of collecting societies;
  • implementation of opinion procedures for the establishment of tariffs of collecting societies and preparation of proposals for the ministerial approval thereof;
  • granting licences for the use of orphan works;
  • keeping a voluntary register of works.

b.) National and international legislation

  • participation in the elaboration of intellectual property legislation preparation of amendments to the law on copyright;
  • examination of the effectiveness of copyright related laws and regulations; analysing the practice of the application of laws; collection, systematisation and analysis of court decisions and administrative measures taken in copyright cases; development of initiatives to adopt new administrative measures and regulations deemed to be necessary on the basis of the above; preparation of such measures and regulations;
  • analysis of the international and European integration processes, legal tendencies and developments related to copyright; introduction of initiatives on the measures to be taken in view of such analyses;
  • participation in the preparation of conclusion and promulgation of treaties and conventions;
  • keeping a record of treaties and conventions as well as supporting the implementation thereof;
  • participation in the international and European cooperation (e.g. providing information and consultation services upon request);
  • providing information to the public, holding presentations and participation in promotion related activities in the field of copyright protection.

c.) Coordination of the Council of Copyright Experts

The copyright related functions of the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office fall under the responsibility of the Copyright Department:


Copyright Department

Dr. Ádám SULYOK - Head of Department
Mariann Dózsa - Legal Assistant


Official Copyright Administration


International Copyright Affairs

Dr. Gergely CSŐSZ - Deputy Head of Department

Dr. Judit FORGÓ



Dr.  Anna MARJÁN
Dr. Farkas Tamás VINCZE





Address: H-1081, Budapest, II. János Pál pápa tér 7.
Phone: +36 (1) 474 5861
Fax: +36 (1) 474 5965
szjftitkarsag [169] hipo [961] gov [961] hu