Guide for Applicants
The application for a supplementary protection certificate shall be filed with the Hungarian Patent Office. The application for a certificate shall contain:
a) a request for the grant of a certificate, stating in particular:
i) information identifying the applicant;
ii) the name and address of the representative, if any;
iii) the registration number of the basic patent and the title of the invention;
iv) the number and date of the first authorization to place the product on the market, and, if this authorization is not the first authorization for placing the product on the market in the Community, the number and date of that authorization;
b) a copy of the authorization to place the product on the market, in which the product is identified, containing in particular the number and date of the authorization and the summary of the product characteristics;
c) if the authorization referred to in b) is not the first authorization for placing the product on the market in the Community, information regarding the identity of the product thus authorized and the legal provision under which the authorization procedure took place, together with a copy of the notice publishing the authorization in the appropriate official publication.
A fee, determined by special legislation, shall be paid for filing the application within two months of the filing date.
The application for a certificate can also be filed by using the form "Request for grant" (in Hungarian).