The Hungarian trademark registration

The Hungarian trademark registration


The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office keeps an authentic trademark registration which comprises the following data:

  • the trademarks registered by national trademark applications filed in Hungary

  • the geographical indications registered by national geographical indication applications filed in Hungary

  • the so-called international trademarks applied and registered in Hungary in the framework of Madrid Agreements and Madrid Protocol

  • the geographical indications registered by origin indication application filed in Hungary in the framework of Lisbon Agreements.

The trademark registration of Hungarian Intellectual Property Office does not comprise the following data:

  • data of the foreign trademark registrations and

  • the trademarks applied in the framework of Madrid Agreements and Madrid Protocol whose protections can't be applied in Hungary.


The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office Customer Service provides information on Hungarian related data of the national and international trademark registrations and so does the Registration Department of Hungarian Intellectual Property Office on the actual state of the registration.