Traditional knowledge and its protection - proclamation of biopiracy
Dr. Mariann Szulmann-Binet
One of the most important challenges of our age is to strengthen and nourish the roots of traditional knowledge in order that the future generation would be able to take advantage of its usage in such a manner that meets the interests and values of traditional communities. The task is not only the protection of traditional knowledge that arose in the past but also it is equally important to find the ways for the acknowledgement and preservation of the novel results too.
The most important general features of traditional knowledge, its role in the conservation of biodiversity are summarized in the first part of the study. The second part focuses on the connection of traditional knowledge and intellectual property protection. It investigates whether the results that arise from the use of traditional knowledge can be protected in the frame of the present forms and rules of intellectual property protection or it is necessary to develop novel alternative (sui generis) forms of protection to ensure both the economic and moral acknowledgement of traditional communities.
Royalties: sweet music to the ears of authors or can an editor be an author as well?
Krisztina Part
Does copyright subsist in modern performing editions of the out-of-copyright music of Michel-Richard de Lalande, a baroque court composer? On 2 July 2004 Patten J held that sound recordings of music on a compact disc made and sold by Hyperion Records Ltd, a record company specialized in recordings of neglected works, infringed the copyright in 3 performing editions originated by dr Lionel Sawkins, a musicological scholar of high repute and a world authority on Lalande.
The Court of Appeal held that the editions satisfied the statutory definition of "original musical works" and dismissed the appeal of Hyperion.
This case is quite interesting because copyright disputes about works of this character and quality are infrequent. They rarely reach trial and hardly ever come before the appellate courts.
History of Pfizer's Australian and European patents concerning Viagra
Dr. Tivadar Palágyi
After mentioning the revocation of Pfizer's Viagra patent in China and the United Kingdom, the article sets forth the history of the Viagra patent in Australia and at the European Patent Office. Both the Australian and the European patents claimed a method for the treatment of erectile dysfunction by using compounds of general formula (I), including sildenafil citrate as most favourable compound, on the one hand, and a more general class of compounds identified as inhibitors of certain enzymes, on the other hand. In Australia claim 10 relating to the use of enzyme inhibitors has been revoked by the Court. In the European Patent Office the Technical Board of Appeal has revoked the whole patent.
The interpretation of industrial applicability in the claims relating to therapeutical inventions
Dr. Katalin Mikló
The article deals with the difficulties in judging the industrial applicability in the fields of veterinary or human therapy and cosmetics. The decisions of the EPO Boards of Appeal show that sometimes it is impossible to draw borderline between therapeutical and non-therapeutical treatments. During the last years the Board had to redefine the terms "therapy" and "surgery" and it also gave an interpretation for the industrial applicability of the contraceptive methods which belong rather to the needs used privately than to any field of the industry. The article represents and gives full details on several decisions of the Board relating to this topic.
Acquiring Distinctiveness by Use - ECJ's HAVE A BREAK Judgment
Dr. Sándor Vida
Detailed case history, report on the Opinion of the General Attorney, than on ECJ's judgment. [C-353/03]. Similar problems dealt in the referred case were met in some applications filed with the Hungarian Patent Office and revised by the Metropolitan Court (Hungary). The difficulty of cases relating to acquiring distinctiveness by use is evidence: how much is sufficient? A maximalist practice would endanger exploitation of the possibility created by Article 3(3) of the Directive.
Imposing prophecy or unfounded revery? (The centenary of Jules Verne's death) - Part I.
Ildikó Longa
Jules Verne, the first science-fiction writer was born in 1828. He studied law and wrote comedies before found his for long term succesful literary genre. He wrote the book series of "Extraordinary journeys" which consists of more than 60 novels.
He knew well the technical novelties of his age and the adventures of his heroes took place on all of the continents, in the air, in space and under waters. There are some important inventions which were prognosticated by Verne many years in advance.
The creation of the patent system in the United States and its earliest operation - Part II.
László Végh
The second part of the study expansively enumerates the relevant facts of birth of the Patent Office in Washington, and examines the first three decades of its function.
The United States Patent Office was created at the height of the industrial revolution when the impact of patents got its first serious and broad acceptance throughout the nations leading the industrialization. In the United States the process of creation of the patent system had an almost parallel history with the several technical improvements on steamboat. The life of inventors like John Fitch and Robert Fulton deeply influenced the further development of this unique system, fated to success already in his earlier period.
This success of the American patent system in the nineteenth century is incontestable. Consequently, it seemed to be worth of examining thoroughly this fundamental element of the American Dream, beginning from the Jeffersonian model of self made man society based on agrarian gentlemen" to the unforeseeable industrial development which it was followed by.
Tájékoztató szerzőinknek
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