The operation of venture capital
Dr. Osman Péter
The venture capital industry is already well established and certainly at home in Hungary. The beginnings of its formal activities go back to the end of the eighties and since then its development is steady. At present, there are quite a number of VC funds active in Hungary. The article explains the basics of the mode of operation of venture capital financing, and the role of the venture capital industry in development and innovation. It also touches upon the forthcoming amendment of the Hungarian Venture Capital Act.
The first observations concerning SPC applications filed in Hungary
Dr. Boros István, Buzásné Nagy Zsuzsanna, dr. Csutorás Lászlóné
The article gives an overview of the total 101 SPC applications logged after Hungary's accession to the EU. About 70 of them were filed under the transitional provisions between 1 May and 2 November 2004. 87% and 13% of the applications have been submitted for medicinal products and plant protection products, respectively. Some important figures are presented about the breakdown of the applications by product types, technical fields, countries of applicants, origin of authorisations. The main trends of the filing activity are highlighted. Case studies and recent changes in the legal institution of supplementary protection certificates are also discussed.
Patentability of inventions related to combinatorial chemistry
Fehérvári Anikó
Combinatorial chemistry and high throughput screening are novel techniques that not only are changing the way the drug discovery process works but are also catalysing major changes in the structure of the pharmaceutical industry. Several questions and problems arise when an invention based on the above techniques is applied for patent protection. In this article the basic steps of combinatorial chemistry and types of claims (e.g. library-claims) and search strategies are summarized.
Interesting decisions of the American courts in patent cases from 1995 to 2000
Dr. Palágyi Tivadar
This article treats interesting decisions of the American courts in patent cases in the period 1995-2000. Most decisions are from the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, and some decisions were issued by the Board of Appeals and Interferences, by district courts or by the Supreme Court of the United States. The cases treated are both from the field of mechanical and electrical engineering and the field of chemistry and biochemistry. The last decision discussed relates to the Festo case which basically influences the court practice in deciding the use of the doctrine of equivalence.
Imposing prophecy or unfounded revery? (The centenary of Jules Verne's death) - Part II.
Ildikó Longa
The engineers and inventors played an important role in most of the works of Verne. Observing and analysing their caracters, working methods and mentalities the reader can recognize the progression of the technical life and mainly the method of the creative mind.
In his works Verne paid attention to the alternatives of the social evolution, to the future of the mankind too. He was and is also today a very evaluated writer not only by the youth but by many important writers and scientists too.
Tájékoztató szerzőinknek
Az Iparjogvédelmi és Szerzői Jogi Szemle szerkesztősége örömmel fogad minden, a szellemi tulajdon védelmével foglalkozó írást. A beérkezett kéziratok a szerkesztőbizottság jóváhagyása esetén nyelvhelyességi és a kiadvány stílusához igazodó stilisztikai javítások után kerülnek publikálásra, amelyek nem érintik a mű tartalmi értékét. A kéziratot - a szerkesztőbizottság döntése alapján, az írás témája és mélysége szerint - a Tanulmányok, az Európai jogi figyelő, a Technikatörténet vagy a Hírek, események rovatban tesszük közzé. Az írás terjedelmét nem korlátozzuk, igen hosszú cikket esetlegesen két vagy több részben, egymást követő lapszámokban teszünk közzé a szerzővel történő egyeztetés után. Az egyes cikkekben kifejeződő állásfoglalásnak nem feltétlenül kell tükröznie a szerkesztőbizottság véleményét.
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