Issue 24 volume 116. 28. December 2011. Whole gazettePDF 20,3 MB Literary part Nagy-Britannia és Észak-Írország Egyesült Királysága Kormányának közleménye a Szabadalmi Jogi Szerződés (PLT) 8. szabálya (2) bekezdésének (b) pontjára vonatkozóanPDF 94 kB International informationPDF 87 kB Patent publications Publication of patent applicationsPDF 1,7 MB Granted patentsPDF 161 kB Patent specification available for inspectionPDF 127 kB Patent granting procedures terminated prior to publicationPDF 117 kB Lapse and restoration of patent protectionPDF 150 kB Diverse patent publicationsPDF 135 kB European patent publications Filing of the translation of the text of European patentsPDF 473 kB Filing the translation of the text of a European patent modified in an opposition procedurePDF 124 kB Diverse European patent publicationsPDF 127 kB Plant breeders's right publications Publication of breeder's right applicationsPDF 346 kB Granted breeder's rightsPDF 136 kB Utility model publications Granted utility model protectionPDF 1,4 MB Lapse and restoration of utility model protectionPDF 120 kB Diverse utility model publicationsPDF 115 kB Design publications Granted design protectionPDF 140 kB Renewal of design protectionPDF 119 kB Diverse design publicationsPDF 116 kB National trademark publications Publication of trademark applicationsPDF 11,9 MB Publication of trademark applications and registration of trademarks in special accelerated procedurePDF 263 kB Registered trademarksPDF 4,1 MB Lapse of trademark protectionPDF 168 kB Partial lapse of trademark protectionPDF 116 kB Renewal of trademark protectionPDF 160 kB Diverse trademark publicationsPDF 159 kB International trademark publications Publication of trademark applicationsPDF 651 kB Institutional publications Communication by noticePDF 145 kB