The series of events called "Design Korea 2005" will be organised by the Korea Institute of Design Promotion working under the supervision of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, in Seoul from 1 to 10 December 2005 . The 10-day-programme includes important events, such as the World Best Design Exchange 2005 Seoul - an exhibition divided into six different zones with six different themes - as well as international conferences and business presentations. An interesting part of the programme will be an exhibition named "Design Imagination", where design-related works of students studying in various countries will be displayed, among them the prize-winning creations of Hungarian students, five creations that won prizes in the past three years in the Student Design category of the Hungarian Design Award.
Hungarian works to be displayed at the above-mentioned exhibition:
Touchwriter - writing and drawing instrument for the blind |
Bag from moving tissue imitating sinuous movement |
Graphic design of the National Horse-race Ltd. |
Cameleon 4 small commercial vehicle |
Earth flower, environment friendly gift containing plant seeds |
Further information at the web site of the Design Korea 2005.