The Hungarian Patent Office's strategy for 2007-2010 is complete 

The Hungarian Patent Office's strategy for 2007-2010 is complete 

The Hungarian Patent Office's (HPO) strategy for institutional strengthening covering the years 2007 to 2010 is complete. The President of the HPO coordinated and discussed it with the Minister of Economy and Transport having taken up office recently and with the Strategic Project Management Committee at the beginning of December 2007. The strategy paper draws up the mission of the Office taking into account its statutes and Deed of Foundation, determines the strategic pillars and - starting from the status analysis and the SWOT analysis - details the strategic tasks keeping in view the vision indicated as target status.

The mission of the HPO, being the government office for the protection of intellectual property and an authority providing quality services, is to effectively operate and develop in a balanced way the industrial property and copyright systems necessary for the growth of the knowledge-based, innovative and competitive economy.

According to the vision outlined for 2010, the HPO - as a competence centre playing a decisive regional role in the European networked cooperation - stimulates the innovation-based dynamic economy with competitive, differentiated and flexible, internationally recognised official activity and services. In this, it relies on a transparent and consolidated regulatory background, preserved and continuously developed knowledge capital as well as on a self-supporting operation within calculable circumstances, forming its environment by means of communication capable of dialogue.

The implementation of the HPO's mission and vision requires coordinated progress in several strategic fields. These strategic fields were already identified by the HPO's previous mid-term strategy for the period between 2005 and 2008. It is reasonable to envisage the continuation and revised renewal of the strategic objectives again in these strategic fields. The main action and development lines are as follows:

  1. Renewed official profile contributing to the improvement of the competitiveness of the Hungarian national economy - in compliance with the requirements of the European and international cooperation, and in the service of the differentiated needs of customers;
  2. Preparation of legislation aimed at clear and customer-friendly regulation as well as successful specialised diplomacy linked to a proactive economic diplomacy and forming the European and global system of conditions in harmony with national interests;
  3. Support of national innovation and enrichment of the stock of tools stimulating competition by strengthening the character of an office providing quality services;
  4. Task-driven, efficient official operation in the renewed Hungarian public administration; development and utilisation of the necessary institutional knowledge capital by personal and corporate consciousness, furthermore the effectual and coordinated management of information and communication fixed assets with this end in view.


The strategy paper identifies the individual objectives and presents the actions and measures necessary for their implementation adjusted to the strategic pillars. Where appropriate, it shows the tools necessary to achieve the objectives and also gives the indicators, which may be instrumental in following with attention the implementation of the strategy.

The mid-term strategy can be described by public service, efficiency, transparency and future-consciousness. Its implementation is ensured by annual action plans, which are included in the HPO's annual work plans. In compliance with this, the HPO worked out in December the action plan for 2008 ensuring the implementation of the strategy.


The publication in English can be downloaded in PDF format.