Nice Classification


Nice Classification

The Nice Agreement Concerning the International Classification of Goods and Services for the Purposes of the Registration of Marks (“Agreement”) was adopted at the Diplomatic Conference in Nice on 15 June 1957. The Agreement was revised in Stockholm in 1967 and in Geneva in 1977. The Agreement was modified in 1979.

The Agreement, containing 45 classes (34 classes for goods and 11 classes for services), which list all goods and services for which trademark protection may be requested. The Agreement includes a list of goods and services in alphabetical order of nearly ten thousand known types of goods and a thousand types of services.

Each class has a heading which gives general information on the goods and services falling into the given class. When forming the list of goods and services of the trademark application, in case of the application of a heading, please be sure to read the information below:

Currently the 12th edition of the Agreement should be appliedThe revised new version of the 12th edition of the Agreement entered into force on 1 January 2023.