Archives (after 2015)

24 May 2024

Concluding Document of the WIPO Diplomatic Conference signed

24 May 2024

WIPO Member States adopt new International Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources and Associated Traditional Knowledge

The Treaty shall enter into force three months after it has been ratified or acceded to by fifteen contracting parties.

25 April 2024

Director General of AGEPI visits HIPO

25 March 2024

Deputy Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration visits the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office

18 December 2023

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

01 September 2023

R&D qualification

In June 2023, an amendment to Act LXXVI of 2014 on Scientific Research, Development and Innovation was published, according to which from 1st of September 2023, the qualification of R&D activities will be carried out by a body designated by the Government.

17 February 2023

INVITATION – Regional Webinar on the Calculation of Damages for IP Infringements

Date of the event: 28 February, 2023 (14.15–18.30 pm)

18 January 2023

PRESS RELEASE International training for judges in Budapest

 This year, the training and further training courses will run from January to March, starting today.

21 December 2022

Holiday greetings for Christmas

16 November 2022

Government administrative recess at the HIPO

07 October 2022

Visit of the President of the European Patent Office to Budapest

The delegation of the European Patent Office (EPO), led by President António Campinos visited to Budapest on 6 October 2022.

17 May 2022

The Office's Annual Report 2021

The publication in English can be downloaded in PDF format.

22 December 2021

Season's Greetings

27 April 2021

Publication of the CP12 Common Practice

26 April 2021

The Office's Annual Report 2020

The publication in English can be downloaded in PDF format.

10 March 2021

Information on time limits for the submission of delivery excuses, or of requests for restitutio in integrum in proceedings before the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office

24 December 2020

Dear Visitors!

13 November 2020

The contact details of HIPO will change as from 16 November 2020, until withdrawal, as follows:

The Hungarian Intellectual Property Office (HIPO) continues to be at your disposal in all cases within its duties and competence in industrial property and copyright matters as well as with its innovation supporting services.

03 November 2020

HIPO helps companies with THIS NEW R&D publication

The aim of HIPO is to help companies navigate the world of R&D. It contains information both on the concept of R&D and the qualification process in English. 

13 October 2020

Minister Péter Szijjártó meets the Director General of WIPO